The Book Barista Reviews: The Record of My Heart by Georgina Guthrie

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Title:  The Record of My Heart

Series:  Words

Author:  Georgina Guthrie

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ISHO SummaryDaniel Grant desperately wants Aubrey Price, a woman he can’t have—at least not for two long months. He could give up and walk away, but he won’t. Following in his grandfather’s footsteps, he waits.

And while he waits…he writes.

Through a series of journals and letters, The Record of my Heart traces Daniel’s romantic contemplations, what he calls “the secret musings of a man tumbling headfirst in love…”

isho-my-opinion2When I heard that this was being published I was pretty excited.  As I’ve mentioned before, I love reading a male POV and I really enjoyed Georgina Guthrie’s Words series. Obviously this was a WIN/WIN for me.

Daniel Grant is probably the most romantic male character I’ve ever read.  He reads poetry and quotes Shakespeare…*swoon*, so reading his journal entries about Aubrey and his letters to Aubrey definitely left me feeling warm and fuzzy. I’m not entirely sure but I think I’ve used the term “warm and fuzzy” before when talking about this series. I apologize for not being more original but it really did make me feel that way.

I loved reading his thoughts as he waited for the days to pass until he could be with the woman he loves.  Have I mentioned how romantic he is? It bears repeating! Trust me!  I especially loved his little side notes which were so self-deprecating and sweet.

This was a beautiful addition to this series and in keeping with my warm and fuzzy feels I gave it four hot, sweet and yummy hot chocolates.

four hot chocolates

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About Stefter

I love to talk about books, hot guys and anything else I need to get off my chest. View all posts by Stefter

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